Monday, September 21, 2015

Color Shape Theory Notes

Communicating with Color

1.    What are the primary colors? Red, yellow, blue

2.    What are the secondary colors? Orange, purple, green

3.    What is Hue? Actual color

4.    What is Saturation? How much grey is in something

5.    What is Value? How much black or white is in something

6.    What are analogous colors? They go good together

7.    How is color like a salesperson?

8.    What are the three basic shapes? Rectangles circles triangles

9.    What does the rectangle mainly represent? That something matters
10. What does the circle mainly represent? Nice information
11. What does the Triangle mainly represent? Danger, Caution
12. in your own words, how do the shapes and colors come together to create a feeling? 
13. What purpose do lines have in art?
14. What does Size do for an image? Brings attention to somthing

15. What does Space do for your eye? Helps you to see it

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