Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Color Shape Theory Notes

Communicating with Color

1.    What are the primary colors? Red, yellow, blue

2.    What are the secondary colors? Orange, purple, green

3.    What is Hue? Actual color

4.    What is Saturation? How much grey is in something

5.    What is Value? How much black or white is in something

6.    What are analogous colors? They go good together

7.    How is color like a salesperson?

8.    What are the three basic shapes? Rectangles circles triangles

9.    What does the rectangle mainly represent? That something matters
10. What does the circle mainly represent? Nice information
11. What does the Triangle mainly represent? Danger, Caution
12. in your own words, how do the shapes and colors come together to create a feeling? 
13. What purpose do lines have in art?
14. What does Size do for an image? Brings attention to somthing

15. What does Space do for your eye? Helps you to see it

Monday, September 14, 2015

Typography Notes

An example of a typeface is: Script
An example of a font is: serif
A serif font has _______ where a San Serif font does not.
Serif fonts are used for: Long extended text
            An example font is: Times
San serif fonts are used for: Headlines
            An example font is: italics
What questions should you ask when making a font choice? There are 3
1) who will be reading this
2) what is the purpose
3) and what is the feeling im trying to convey

How many points are in an inch? 1/72 of an inch
How many picas in point? 12
What does 1p2 mean?
Points measure what?  Height
Picas measure what? Width

Identify the parts of this image:
An ascender
B descender
C descender
D base line

What is kerning? Is the space between letters
What is tracking? Space among more than 2 letters
What is leading space between sentences.

What are rivers of white space? Irregular spacing between words
What is the most legible alignment? 55-75 characters per line

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Name Is Sam And This Is Where I Will Be Posting All Of My Graphic Design Work